Ben Hankamer

A/Prof. Ben Hankamer

Institute for Molecular Biosciences
The University of Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 334 62012
Fax: +61 334 62101
Email: [email protected]

Ben's Publications


Landsberg, M., Ruggles, J., Hussein, W.,  McGeary, R; Gentle, I., Hankamer, B., (2010).  Molecular packing of functionalized fluorinated lipids in Langmuir monolayers. Langmuir (in press).

Stephens, Evan., Ross, I L., Mussgnug, Jan H., Wagner, Liam., Borowitzka. Michael A., Posten, Clemens., Kruse, Olaf., Hankamer, B. (2010). Future prospects of microalgal biofuel production systems. Trends in Plant Science 15: 554-64.

Doebbe, A., Matthias, K., LaRoussa, M., Hankamer, B., Niehaus, K., & Kruse, O. (2010)
The interplay of proton, electron & metabolite supply for photosynthetic H2 production in C.Reinhard TII. J Biol Chem. 285: 30247-60.

Morweiser M., Kruse O., Hankamer B., & Posten C. (2010). Developments & perspectives of photobioreactors for biofuel production. App Microbiol Biotech 87:1291-301.

Stephens E.,  Ross I.L., King Z., Mussgnug J.H., Kruse O., Posten C., Borowitzka M. & Hankamer B. (2010). 2nd Generation Microalgal Biofuels: Economic & technical evaluation of the hope, hype & reality.  Nature Biotechnology 28: 126-128.

Kruse, O., Hankamer B. (2010). Microalgal hydrogen production. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 21: 238-243.


Landsberg, M.J., Vajjhala, P.R., Rothnagel, R., Munn, A.L, & Hankamer, B. 3D structure of the AAA ATPase Vps4: Advancing structural insights into the mechanisms of endosomal sorting and enveloped virus budding. Structure, Volume 17, Issue 3, 427-437 (2009).

Hussein W.M., Ross B. P., Landsberg M.J., Hankamer B. & McGeary R. Synthesis of Nickel-Chelating Fluorinated Lipids for Protein Monolayer Crystallizations. J. Org. Chem., 74 (4), pp 1473–1479 (2009).

Beckmann, J., Lehr, F., Finazzi, G., Hankamer, B., Posten, C., Wobbe, L. & Kruse, O. Improvement of light to biomass conversion by de-regulation of light harvesting protein translation in C. reinhardtii. J Biotechnol. Jun 1;142(1):70-7 (2009).

Timmins M., Thomas-Hall S.R., Darling A., Zhang E., HankamerB., Marx U.C. & Schenk P.M. Phylogenetic and molecular analysis of hydrogen-producing green algae. J Exp Bot. 60(6):1691-702 (2009).

Yang X., Molimau S., Doherty G.P, Marles-Wright J., Rothnagel R., HankamerB., Lewis R. J., & Lewis P.J. (2009) The structure of bacterial RNA polymerase in complex with the essential transcription elongation factor NusA. Embo doi:10.1038/embor.2009.155 (2009).

Timmins et al (2009) The metabolome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii following induction of anaerobic H2 production by sulphur deprivation (2009). JBC Papers in Press May 28 as doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.003541 (2009).

Stephens E., Ross I.L. Posten C., Kruse O., & Hankamer B. (2009). Microalgal biofuel systems: Climate change, fuel supply and economic opportunities for sustainable development. Microbiology Australia May issue: 89-91 in press.

Hussein W.M., Ross B.P., Landsberg M.J., Hankamer B., McGeary R. (2009) Synthetic approaches to functionalized lipids for protein monolayer crystallizations. Current Organic Chemistry 13: (in press).


Vajjhala, P., Nguyen, C., Landsberg, M., Kistler, C., Gan, A.-L., King, G., Hankamer, B. & Munn, A. The Vps4 C-terminal helix is a critical determinant for Vps4 assembly and ATPase activity and has elements conserved in other members of the meiotic clade of AAA ATPases. Febs Journal, 275 7: 1427-1449 (2008).

Schenk, P., Thomas-Hall, S., Stevens, E., Marx, U., Mussgnug, J., Posten, C., Kruse, O. & Hankamer, B*. Second Generation Biofuels: High-efficiency microalgae for biodiesel production. Bioenergy Research, 1(1):20-43 (2008).

Pantelic , R.S., Lockett , L.J., Rothnagel , R., Hankamer, B* and Both, G. Cryo-electron microscopy map of Atadenovirus reveals cross-genus structural differences from human adenovirus. J. Virology (JVI00764-08 Version 2) (2008).

Nguyen A.V., Thomas-Hall, S., Malnoë, A., Timmins, A., Mussgnug, J.H., Rupprecht, J., Kruse, O., HankamerB*. and Schenk, P.M. The transcriptome of photo-biological hydrogen production induced by sulphur deprivation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Eukaryotic Cell, p. 1965-1979, Vol. 7, No. 11 (2008).


Woolford, D., Ericksson, G., Rothnagel, R., Muller, D., Landsberg, M. J., Pantelic, R. S., McDowall, A., Pailthorpe, B., Young, P. R., Hankamer, B. & Banks, J. SwarmPS: Rapid, semi-automated single particle selection software. J. Struct. Biol. 157: 174-188 (2007).

Woolford, D., Hankamer, B. & Ericksson, G. The Laplacian of Gaussian and arbitrary z-crossings approach applied to automated single particle reconstruction. J. Struct. Biol. 159:122-134 (2007).

Hankamer, B*., Lehr, F., Rupprecht, J., Mussgnug, J. H., Posten, C. & Kruse, O. Photosynthetic biomass and H2 production by green algae: From bioengineering to bioreactor scale up. Physiologia Plantarum 131:10-21 (2007).

Mussgnug, J., Thomas-Hall, S., Rupprecht, J., Foo, A., Klassen, V., McDowall, A., Schenk, P., Kruse, O. & Hankamer, B*. Engineering photosynthetic light capture: Impacts on improved solar energy to biomass conversion. Plant Biotechnology Journal 5:802–814 (2007).

Landsberg, M. & Hankamer, B*. Symmetry: A guide to its application in 2D electron crystallography. Journal of Structural Biology 160:332-343 (2007).

Doebbe, A., Rupprecht, J., Beckmann, J., Mussgnug, J., Hallmann, A., Hankamer, B.* & Kruse, O.* Functional integration of the HUP1 hexose symporter gene into the genome of C. reinhardtii: Impacts on biological H2 production. Journal of Biotechnology 131:27-33 (2007).

Pantelic, R.S., Ericksson, G., Hamilton, N. & Hankamer, B*. Bilateral Edge Filter: Photometrically weighted, discontinuity based edge detection. J. Struct. Biol., 160:93–102. (2007).

Hankamer, B*., Glaeser, R. & Stahlberg H. Electron crystallography of membrane proteins. J. Struct Biol 160:263-264 (2007).


Landsberg, M. J., Bond, J., Gee, C. L., L., M. C. & Hankamer, B. A method for screening temperature dependence on 3D crystal formation. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 62, 559-562 (2006).

Pantelic, R. S., Rothnagel, R., Huang, C.-Y., Muller, D., Woolford, D., Landsberg, M. J., McDowall, A., Pailthorpe, B., Young, P. R., Banks, J., Hankamer, B. & Ericksson, G. The Discriminative Bilateral Filter: an enhanced denoising filter for electron microscopy data. J. Struct. Biol. 155:395-408 (2006).

Rupprecht, J., Hankamer, B., Mussgnug, J. H., Ananyev, G., Dismukes, G. & Kruse, O. Perspectives and advances of biological H2 production in micro-organisms. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 72:442-449 (2006).


Kruse, O., Rupprecht, J., Bader, K., Thomas-Hall, S., Schenk, P., Finazzi, G. & Hankamer, B. Improved photobiological H-2 production in engineered green algal cells. J Biol Chem 280, 34170-34177 (2005).

Kruse, O., Rupprecht, J., Mussgnug, J., Dismukes, G. & Hankamer, B. Photosynthesis: A blue print for solar energy capture and biohydrogen production technologies. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 4, 957-970 (2005).


Iwata, M., Imamura, H., Stambouli, E., Ikeda, C., Tamakoshi, M., Nagata, K., Makyio, H., Hankamer, B., Barber, J., Yoshida, M., Yokoyama, K. & Iwata, S. Crystal structure of a central stalk subunit C and reversible association/dissociation of vacuole-type ATPase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101, 59-64 (2004).

Hankamer, B. D., Elderkin, S. L., Buck, M. & Nield, J. Organization of the AAA(+) adaptor protein PspA is an oligomeric ring. J Biol Chem 279, 8862-6 (2004).


Sennoga, C., Heron, A., Seddon, J. M., Templer, R. H. & Hankamer, B. Membrane-protein crystallization in cubo: temperature-dependent phase behaviour of monoolein-detergent mixtures. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 59, 239-46 (2003).


da Fonseca, P., Morris, E. P., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J. Electron crystallographic study of photosystem II of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. Biochemistry 41, 5163-5167 (2002).


Hankamer, B., Morris, E., Nield, J., Carne, A. & Barber, J. Subunit positioning and transmembrane helix organisation in the core dimer of photosystem II. FEBS Lett 504, 142-51 (2001).

Hankamer, B., Morris, E., Nield, J., Gerle, C. & Barber, J. Three-Dimensional Structure of the Photosystem II Core Dimer of Higher Plants Determined by Electron Microscopy. J Struct Biol 135, 262-9 (2001).

Barter, L. M., Bianchietti, M., Jeans, C., Schilstra, M. J., Hankamer, B., Diner, B. A., Barber, J., Durrant, J. R. & Klug, D. R. Relationship between excitation energy transfer, trapping, and antenna size in photosystem II. Biochemistry 40, 4026-34 (2001).


Kruse, O., Hankamer, B., Konczak, C., Gerle, C., Morris, E., Radunz, A., Schmid, G. H. & Barber, J. Phosphatidylglycerol is involved in the dimerization of photosystem II. J Biol Chem 275, 6509-14 (2000).


Schilstra, M. J., Nield, J., Dorner, W., Hankamer, B., Carradus, M., Barter, L. M. C., Barber, J. & Klug, D. R. Similarity between electron donor side reactions in the solubilized Photosystem II-LHC II supercomplex and Photosystem- II-containing membranes. Photosynthesis Research 60, 191-198 (1999).

Hankamer, B., Morris, E. P. & Barber, J. Revealing the structure of the oxygen-evolving core dimer of photosystem II by cryoelectron crystallography. Nat Struct Biol 6, 560-4 (1999).

Barber, J., Nield, J., Morris, E. P. & Hankamer, B. Subunit positioning in photosystem II revisited. Trends Biochem Sci 24, 43-5 (1999).


Boekema, E. J., Nield, J., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J. Localization of the 23-kDa subunit of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II by electron microscopy. Eur J Biochem 252, 268-76 (1998).

Barber, J., Rhee, K. H., Morris, E., Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Boekema, E. & Kuhlbrandt, W. Towards the elucidation of the structure of photosystem II at high resolution. Biophysical Journal 74, A328-A328 (1998).


Rhee, K. H., Morris, E. P., Zheleva, D., Hankamer, B., Kuhlbrandt, W. & Barber, J. Two-dimensional structure of plant photosystem II at 8-angstrom resolution. Nature 389, 522-526 (1997).

Morris, E. P., Hankamer, B., Zheleva, D., Friso, G. & Barber, J. The three-dimensional structure of a photosystem II core complex determined by electron crystallography. Structure 5, 837-49 (1997).

Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Zheleva, D., Boekema, E., Jansson, S. & Barber, J. Isolation and biochemical characterisation of monomeric and dimeric photosystem II complexes from spinach and their relevance to the organisation of photosystem II in vivo. Eur J Biochem 243, 422-9 (1997).

Hankamer, B., Barber, J. & Boekema, E. J. Structure and membrane organization of photosystem II in green plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 48, 641-671 (1997).

Barber, J., Nield, J., Morris, E. P., Zheleva, D. & Hankamer, B. The structure, function and dynamics of photosystem two. Physiologia Plantarum 100, 817-827 (1997).


Zheleva, D., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J. Heterogeneity and pigment composition of isolated photosystem II reaction centers. Biochemistry 35, 15074-9 (1996).

Boekema, E. J., Nield, J., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J. Localization of the oxygen evolving complex of Photosystem II by electron microscopy. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 65, PE120-PE120 (1996).


Boekema, E. J., Hankamer, B., Bald, D., Kruip, J., Nield, J., Boonstra, A. F., Barber, J. & Rogner, M. Supramolecular structure of the photosystem II complex from green plants and cyanobacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92, 175-9 (1995).


Golangoldhirsh, A., Hankamer, B. & Lips, S. H. Hydroxyproline and Proline Content of Cell-Walls of Sunflower, Peanut and Cotton Grown under Salt Stress. Plant Science 69, 27-32 (1990).


Kruse, O. & Hankamer, B. (2005) Photosynthetic Hydrogen Production. Patent No. AU2004253603, EP04737534, US7371560, JP2006-517902, (University of Queensland).

Bond, J. & Hankamer, B. (2005) Labortemperiereinrichtung mit Oberseite (Crystallization Adapter), Patent No. 102005044021.5 (Germany: Eppendorf), Patent application.

Book Chapters

Sennoga, C., Hankamer, B., Heron, A., Seddon, J., Barber, J. & Templer, R. H. in Biophysical Chemistry: Membranes and Proteins (eds. Templer, R. H. & Leatherbarrow, R.) 221-236 (The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2002).

Hankamer, B., Barber, J. & Nield, J. in Photosystem II: The Water/Plastoquinone Oxido-Reductase (eds. Wydrzynski, T. J. & Satoh, K.) 403-424 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005).

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Boekema, E. J., Boonstra, A. F., Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Barber, J., Bald, D., Kruip, J. & Rögner, M. in Electron Microscopy, Applications in Biological Sciences (ed. C., J. C. a. C.) 223-224 (Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Paris, France, 1994).

Boekema, E., Hankamer, B., Nield, J. & Barber, J. in Proceedings of the Xth International Photosynthesis Congress (ed. Mathis, P.) 229-232 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Montpellier, France, 1995).

Hankamer, B., Morris, E., Zheleva, D. & Barber, J. in Proceedings of the Xth International Photosynthesis Congress (ed. Mathis, P.) 365-368 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Montpellier, France, 1995).

Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Boekema, E., Rögner, M., Bald, D. & Barber, J. in Conference Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology (ed. Barber, J.) (London, 1995).

Kruip, J., Bald, D., Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Boonstra, A. F., Barber, J., Boekema, E. J. & Rögner, M. in Proceedings of the Xth International Photosynthesis Congress (ed. Mathis, P.) 405-408. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Montpellier, France, 1995).

Kruse, O., Zheleva, D., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J., 3. in Proceedings of the Xth International Photosynthesis Congress (ed. Mathis, P.) 401-404 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Montpellier, France, 1995).

Nield, J., Hankamer, B., Zheleva, D., Hodges, M. L., Boekema, E. J. & J., B. in Proceedings of the Xth International Photosynthesis Congress (ed. Mathis, P.) 361-364 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Montpellier, France, 1995).

Catucci, L., Dörner, W., Nield, J., Hankamer, B., Vass, I. & J., B. in Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Photosynthesis (ed. Garab, G.) 973-976 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Budapest, 1998).

da Fonseca, P., Maghlaoui, K., Hankamer, B., Büchel, C. & Barber, J. in Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Photosynthesis (ed. Garab, G.) 969-972. (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Budapest, 1998).

Hankamer, B., Morris, E. P. & Barber, J. in Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Photosynthesis (ed. Garab, G.) 957-960 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, Budapest, 1998).

Barter, L. M. C., Bianchietti, M., Jeans, C., Schilstra, M. J., Hankamer, B., Diner, B., Barber, J., Durrant, J. R. & Klug, D. R. in Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis (CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, Brisbane, Australia, 2001).

Morris, E. P., Hankamer, B. & Barber, J. in Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis (CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, Brisbane, Australia, 2001).

Banks, J., Rothnagel, R., & Hankamer, B. (2003). Automatic Particle Picking of Biological Molecules Imaged by Electron Microscopy. In Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), 1, 269-274.

Banks, J., Pailthorpe, B., Rothnagel, R. & Hankamer, B. Automatic Particle Picking Algorithms for High Resolution Single Particle Analysis (WDIC 2005).

Banks, J., Pailthorpe, B., Rothnagel, R., & Hankamer, B. (2005). Automatic Particle Picking Algorithms for High Resolution Single Particle Analysis. In Workshop on Digital Image Computing, 1, 127-132.

Unrefereed Conference Proceedings

Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Barber, J., Boekema, E. J., Boonstra, A. F., Rögner, M., Bald, D., Kruip, J. & In: Proceedings of BBSRC, p. in Second Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis (ed. Barber, J.) 67 (BBSRC, Imperial College, London, 1994).

Hankamer, B., Nield, J., Barber, J., Boekema, E. J., Boonstra, A. F., Rögner, M., Bald, D., Kruip, J. & In: Proceedings of BBSRC, p. in Second Robert Hill Symposium on Photosynthesis (ed. Barber, J.) 67 (BBSRC, Imperial College, London, 1994).

Hankamer, B. in Membrane Proteins: the next frontier (ed. Graham, R. M.) Abstract 7 (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, 2002).

Hankamer, B. & Kruse, O. in Boden Research Conference on Artificial Photosynthesis (ed. Critchley, C.) (Australian Academy of Science, Manly Pacific Parkroyal Sydney, Austalia, 2003).

Hankamer, B., Rothnagel, R., McDowall, A., Ericksson, G., Clark, F., Banks, J., B, P., Sennoga, C., Heron, A., Seddon, J., Templer, R. H. & Crout, D. in AsCA'03/ Crystal 23 11013 Aug 2003 Proceedings (Broome, Australia, 2003).