
2003 "Habilitation" and Venia legendi in "Biophysical Chemistry"
  University of Bayreuth
1996 PhD, Dr. rer. nat.
  University of Bayreuth
1993 Diploma degree in Chemistry
  University of Bayreuth



2004- Senior Research Officer, NMR Facility Manager
  Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Australia
2003-2004 Scientific employee
  Department of Biopolymers, University of Bayreuth, Germany
2000-2004 Head of research group "Structures of Peptide Hormones and Proteinase Inhibitors"
  University of Bayreuth, Germany
2001-2001 Sabbatical
  Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Australia
2000-2002 Scholarship "Bayerischer Habilitationsförderpreis"
  from the Bavarian State Government
1995-1999 Scientific employee
  Lower Saxonia Institute of Peptide-Research (IPF), Hannover, Germany
1993-1996 PhD project
  Department of Biopolymers, Prof. P. Rösch, University of Bayreuth, Germany


Scholarships, Grants and Awards

2007 2007 ARC Discovery grant to B. Hankamer, O. Kruse, U. Marx
2006 Australian Academy of Science Travel Award
2006 UQ Travel Award
2005 UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund, "Metabonomic Studies of Psychosis such as Schizophrenia Using High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy"
2004 Project grant from the DFG (German Research Foundation)
2002 Science award from the incorporated society of the University of Bayreuth
2001 Program grant from the Bavarian TSE-platform, co-applicant
2000 Project grant from the DFG (German Research Foundation)
1999 Award "Bayerischer Habilitationsförderpreis" from the Bavarian State Government
1996 Award from the "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie" (German Chemical Industry Fund)
1994-1996 Scholarship holder respectively associated member of the "Graduiertenkolleg" (university graduate training program), University of Bayreuth, Germany